От Selgnij (129 – 0) 2010-01-19 (Обновление 3.3.0) If you find yourself missing a rogue in ICC, you can use this spell to take care of the traps in the first section. The MoBs that spawn are not very deadly if you don't spawn them at the same time as a pull or on top of the raid.
Just send in EoK before making a pull, if there are any traps they should trigger, killing the eye quickly, but the MoB should be far enough away not to aggro. Let him walk a little ways then kill it at your leisure. Worked last time my guiild was in ICC rogueless.
ThatguyfromBB 2010-01-24 (Обновление 3.3.0) Also great for when your group does have a rogue and you want to kill the boneguard, or whatever it is, and the trap is too close to other trash to trip without pulling it. Send the eye in to trip the trap and let the boneguard pat around until you can safely pull it without pulling anything else.
От Xycolian (9,307 – 2·11·42) 2010-02-15 (Обновление 3.3.2)
The eye of Killrog can trip traps in Icecrown Citadel! very nice if a trap is hiding in the middle of a trash group