1) У всех врагов в героик режимах должны быть "тринкеты". То есть, снимание любого контроля раз в 2 минуты.
2) Они должны быть имунны к таунтам.
3) Примерно описанное поведение чемпионов по триту к игрокам:
or those wondering how the fight's aggro mechanics work, a recent post on the official WoW forums shed quite a bit of insight into the battle for me. I in turn, link it here so that others may also find it of use.
The summary of the information in this thread is:
Melee dps (and the hunter, warlock pets) aggro is calculated based on armor, proximity and health defecit. Low armor makes you a target (see: warlocks using fel armor), as does being close to them, same as having a lower % of hp than anyone else.
Solution: Have tanks deliberately worsen their armor by removing a shield, or get them to dequip/requip their gear before the pull and let healers keep them at about 50%. This should allow them to actually tank a bit. Especially squishy classes may wish to consider chugging an ironshield potion. Spells like demon armor, or a druid's bearform, may also help to reduce your aggro when focused.
Caster dps aggro is calculated based on resistance, proximity and health defecit.
Solution: Since everyone typically has the same amount of resistance, if you're having particular trouble with caster dps, you could have some of your plate dps skip out on mark of the wild and other resistance buffs. Alternatively, you can use a flask of lesser resistance (+50 resist) to lower your aggro against them.
Healers work simply off health defecit. As one person has already noted in this thread, simply having one player beating on the NPC pets will divert a lot of healing attention to the pets. You can save CCing the healers until your kill target is getting low, since the healing won't start being poured onto the target until they're hurt somewhat.
Good luck!