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Во всех башнях Восточных Чумных Земель не меняются флаги на самих башнях при захвате и нет анимаций
На Башне королевской стражи стоит статичный дух. Он должен спускаться с неба когда башня захватывается.


На восточной башне и башне северного перевала стоят статичные спавны дружелюбных нпс. Святилище Лордерона не работает(при нажатии ничего не происходит)
"Game of TowersTowers in the Eastern Plaguelands provide a more dynamic game, introducing the concept of capturing towers through proximity and numerical superiority. This mechanic is later seen in Eye of the Storm, Hellfire Peninsula, and Zangarmarsh. There are four towers in the EPL that can be captured in this way -- the Crown Guard Tower in the South, the Eastwall Tower in the East, the Northpass Tower in the North, and Plaguewood Tower in the West. Control of a tower grants a zone-wide +1% melee and spell damage bonus against Undead, to a maximum of +5% -- a bonus of +1% given for controlling all towers. The buff also works inside Stratholme, but is a fluid buff that can change depending on the control of the towers in EPL.The fluidity of tower control is the biggest flaw in this zone's PvP objective. Control of the towers can change hands at any time, making any sort of long-term buff difficult to maintain. Without any opponents, conversion of a tower can also be mind-numbingly boring, as it takes over ten minutes to fully convert a tower from one faction's control to the other. The key to making any headway with tower control is to do it through numbers. It would be good to have simultaneous teams going after each tower as it is far too easy to simply convert an opposing faction's tower after its occupants have left.Each tower has interesting mechanics that come into play when captured. The Crown Guard Tower grants control over a Graveyard immediately North of the tower, which is useful for those who quest in the area. The coolest part of controlling the Crown Guard Tower is the animation of the Spirit Guide floating from the sky down to the Graveyard once it converts. The Plaguewood Tower grants access to a spectral gryphon master that allows players to fly to any of the three towers via a spectral gryphon mount. Upon conversion, the Eastwall Tower spawns NPCs that rush the Northpass Tower. Oddly enough, even though the NPCs -- Lordaeron Soldiers, Commanders, Fighters, and Veterans -- look like ghosts, they are considered Humanoid for purposes of spells and attacks. Lastly, the Northpass Tower spawns an object called the Lordaeron Shrine which grants Lordaeron's Blessing, a 30-minute buff which increases hit points by 5%.There are quests to capture all four towers, obtainable at Light's Hope Chapel -- Bolstering Our Defenses for the Horde and Establishing New Outposts for the Alliance. The tower must be under the control of the opposing faction in order for the tower conversion to count against the quest objectives, although some players report that it is possible to capture a tower while it is gray or contested. Players must be inside the tower when it converts, otherwise it can happen that the conversion will not count. Capturing a tower also grants 18 Honor points, which is a mere token for the effort."


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  • Победа в матче на Арене: 15% от текущего рейтинга;
    (т.е. примерно 300 при рейтинге в 2000)
  • Победа в сражении на Полях Боя: 12.5% от текущего рейтинга;
    (т.е. примерно 500 при рейтинге в 4000)

(только при использовании системы Поиска Подземелий)

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Кажд (для игроков Альянса) и кажд (для игроков Орды) с 16:00 до 22:00 (по московскому времени) проводится особое событие - Цареубийство!

Достаточно убить одного из предводителей противоположной фракции и получить награду: 2000 Сфер Лояльности! Следите за уведомлениями в чате...

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