От Jackeboy (537 – 2·6) 07.09.2013 (Обновление 5.3.0) These guys appader in vengeance landing together with Prince Keleseth after you have completed a quest.They are unkillable by the player but get killed by some crossbowmans that Keleseth kill.
От Skreeran (26,026 – 5·32·162) 08.01.2010 (Обновление 3.3.0) Prince Keleseth says: Ah, but it is you who intrudes on our master's territory. He could wipe you out in an instant for that transgression alone! Arthas does not have much love or patience for his escaped slaves. Prince Keleseth says: But... he has learned of your victory over Stormwind's North Fleet and thinks you have potential. Potential to see reason and abandon Sylvanas' childish rebellion. Prince Keleseth says: Arthas is prepared to offer you power beyond your imagination. The puny army you lead here would pale in comparison to the phalanxes at your command if you returned to the Scourge's embrace. Prince Keleseth says: Behold the Vrykul! A race that has perfected war and destruction to the point of an art form. Already they've cast their lot with the Lich King! Their dwellings surround you and their numbers are easily five times yours. Prince Keleseth says: The choice is yours, Anselm. Return to the Lich King's army and fight alongside them or remain loyal to your so-called queen and suffer their wrath as they drive you from their homelands! High Executor Anselm says: Is that all you've come to say? High Executor Anselm yells: Send these scumbags back to hell! Fie at will! Prince Keleseth says: Such a futile gesture. Prince Keleseth says: Listen to your men's dying breaths as I drink their souls! Prince Keleseth says: This will not be the last you hear of me. I will return to spit on your corpse after Utgarde's armies have descended upon you!
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