Питомец Мерцающий змейчик должен летать высоко на уровне головы и должна быть idle анимация
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От Bindar (4,183 – 1·11·46) 30.07.2009 (Обновление 3.1.3)
A post (on 24-July 2009) from Blizzard poster Zarhym stated:
You are right that it is a recolor first and foremost. The one you buy in Outlands is greenish and not what the wyrmlings in the blood elf starting area look like. The wrymling available at the tournament is much more in line with the ones found in the blood elf starting area. This is just sort of a chance to give players access to that wyrmling.
A couple of minor differences between the outland wyrmling and the Shimmering Wyrmling from the Argent Crusade:
- The Shimmering Wyrmling flies higher (around shoulder height instead of knee height).
- It's summoned via a pretty cool Arcane spell cast to give it more of a high elf/blood elf sort of feel, given the fact it's summoned via magic rather than released from a cage.
- It has a special idle animation.
Видео с питомцем (Idle анимация в конце видео)