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Преквест: (Финальный квест у Назгрима)
От starseeker (20,250 – 5·29·194) 22.03.2009 (Обновление 3.0.9)
In order to do this quest, you must first do The Thane of Voldrune
От Hotmilk (758 – 9) 13.12.2008 (Обновление 3.0.3)
Is there a prereq for this quest chain? I'm 75 and still can't obtain it. In my attempts to unlock the pit fighting quests, I've already obtained and turned in Mikhail's Journal.
Edit: Answered my own question after doing a few more quests. You have to turn in all the quests from Sergeant Nazgrim before Krenna offers you this one.
От IanMackaye (3,901 – 9·41) 22.08.2009 (Обновление 3.2.0)
Чтобы взять квест, необходимо выполнить линейку квестов у Сержанта Назгрима, который справа от Кренны