загрузка... - 2 шт всего.
https://www.wowhead....iron-steamsmith - в комментариях пишут, что должно быть 5 штук.
By tussok on 2008/06/22 (Patch 2.4.1)
This wouldn't be so bad if there weren't only 5 of these guys in the entire zone!
By AntiMe on 2007/04/19 (Patch 2.0.12)
Horrible quest. I did it, but only because I found the lookout glass easily. The other thing was awful. Five of them spwan in a little area sort of near the north sentry tower. 2 in a camp, 2 next to the wheel, and 1 in another camp next to a taskmaster. Miserable drop rate for the supply of mobs. If there were infinite mobs, it would be ok. But they're very rare. Badly planned quest. Don't do it unless you want the reward. There are better uses of your time.
By jamesjiao on 2005/11/19 (Patch 1.8.3)
There are only a max of 5 steamsmiths in that area!
By violen on 2005/12/31 (Patch 1.8.4)
he's right, only 5 in the whole area, rediculous, takes 3min to kill em, and then 5 or 6 for them to respawn...c'mon blizz, put some more in the area