загрузка... требует преквест загрузка...
Должно быть доступно без него и вероятно делать тот преквест недоступным.
От blupache 02.05.2007 (Обновление 2.0.12)
Тема: "no prereq"
The "Regthar Deathgate" quest from Hillsbrad isn't actually a prereq, it's just an optional extra-xp/rep quest. I just picked this quest up (at lvl 32) without having had the regthar quest.
От Obolox (2,738 – 18·29) 13.05.2008 (Обновление 2.4.1)
Do I need to complete Regthar Deathgate in order to get this quest? Or is that one of those trivial quests intended to send you across the world, with the slight experience bonus?
Kuja 01.07.2008 (Обновление 2.4.1)
you can get the quest without doing the "preq" for it