должны появляться только во время Огненного солнцеворота
От Whitexx5 (5,095 – 1·12·40) 22.06.2008 (Обновление 2.4.1)
Level 33-34.
Just naga with armour. They can be found during the https://www.wowhead....tlk/quest=11947 quest.
Coords 39,30.
От Shanody (10,515 – 2·21·45) 21.06.2008 (Обновление 2.4.1)
I ran into these Heretic Crystal Guards in Desolace, near Ethol Rethor (on the path to the tower in the West where also the Argent Dawn quest giver can be found - or around 40.32).
They are surrounded by blue fires and crystal stones that can be clicked, though nothing seems to happen (likely needed for a quest).
As the Midsummer Fire Festival started, I can only assume they have something to do with this event, as I've never seen them befor