- сейчас виден без каких-либо условий
Должен быть виден только после открытия доступа к миру мертвых Запределья, т.е. выполнения или
By Druaightagh (1,743 – 11·13) on 2008/10/31 (Patch 3.0.2)
Whilst leveling my last alt for WotLK I was around AC and wondered how it was that some of my alts can see him, but most couldn't, so I checked out wowwikki and according to them you need to complete this quest:
silkfire on 2008/11/29 (Patch 3.0.3)
Correct. That's the quest that grants you the ability to see all invisible ghosts in Outland, including this NPC and Ancient Ancestors in Nagrand.
By Luis (935 – 8·8) on 2007/03/13 (Patch 2.0.10)
Completing will also allow you to see the npc