https://wotlk.ezhead.../?object=179553 - респавн 12 часов
Не должен исчезать, либо должен иметь короткий респавн т.к. подразумевает использование группой игроков
By 6460 (13,881 – 3·27·120) on 2006/11/27 (Patch 1.12.1)
This attunement can also be done for many people with just one run (useful for a guild attunement). Players above the 5-man limit who want attuned are to gather just outside of the instance when group is nearing core fragment.
1) Be sure to have a Warlock in the party.
2) Proceed as Dread suggests and grab the core fragment
3) Make the warlock party leader and remove 2 members from the party. Allow them to hearth back to home city.
4) Invite 2 more people who should be ready to enter instance
5) The 3 players remaining in BRD summon the 2 new players to the core fragment area once they have entered instance. New players grab core fragment.
Rinse and repeat as necessary until all your friends are attuned.